Frozen Fever is a latest movie American computer-animated short film directed by Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck. It is a sequel to the last Walt Disney Animation Studios film Frozen, and stars Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff and Josh Gad. The film will debut in theaters with Walt Disney Pictures' Cinderella on March 13, 2015.
Frozen Elsa and his friend Kristoff are preparing a lavish surprise birthday celebration to Frozen Anna. To make the surprise, Frozen Anna has to follow a red string that winds from one present to the next.However, Frozen Elsa gets a cold, which causes her powers to wreak a little havoc.
Frozen Elsa and his friend Kristoff are preparing a lavish surprise birthday celebration to Frozen Anna. To make the surprise, Frozen Anna has to follow a red string that winds from one present to the next.However, Frozen Elsa gets a cold, which causes her powers to wreak a little havoc.